Startup Victoria

Mapping Victoria's Startup Ecosystem

How do you keep track of one of the fastest moving ecosystems in the world?

We collaborated with the team at Startup Victoria (supported by dandolopartners and LaunchVic), to take on this task of capturing, communicating and celebrating the progress of Victoria’s startup ecosystem.

Startup Victoria
Publication Design
Infographic Design 
Startup Vic logo, LaunchVic logo, dandolo partners logo

This report included data from 1,137 companies across a variety of different industries within the state of Victoria.

Cover page of the 2017 report of Mapping Victoria's Startup Ecosystem

The situation

Who are they?

Startup Victoria is a not-for-profit organisation and a community of over 15,000 people who work together to foster and support the thriving startup ecosystem within the state. The organisation works with entrepreneurs, industry, community and educational institutions to help accelerate the sector’s growth.

What was the challenge?

We collaborated with Startup Victoria to bring the key information and statistics to life and visually communicate the energy and passion of this industry. As one of the fastest moving ecosystems in the world, it was important that the information in the report accurately captured and presented the rapid progress to date with these innovative companies.

Dark coloured spread of the foreword of the 2017 Startup Victoria Ecosystem Mapping Report
Inside spread of the 2017 Startup Victoria Ecosystem Mapping Report featuring graphs and infographics

Victoria's entrepreneur stats

Inside spread of the 2017 Startup Victoria Ecosystem Mapping Report featuring graphs and infographics
Inside spread of the 2017 Startup Victoria Ecosystem Mapping Report featuring graphs and infographics
A circular infographic on the industry spread of current startup accelerators

Victoria has the key ingredients necessary to grow a strong and supportive startup ecosystem

Founders in Victoria tend to be well qualified and have strong levels of experience

A circular infographic on the experience (how many businesses previously started) of Victoria's startup founders