Selling the dream – 2023

2023 Messaging Trends in Tertiary Education

University Marketing Trends Reviewed

A review of messaging trends in higher education marketing campaigns in Australia and New Zealand.

What are the 8 most common marketing themes university brands use to attract students?

In 2018 Alto conducted a report into the messaging trends in higher education marketing campaigns.

Five years and a global pandemic later, we decided it was time to revisit the project, refresh our findings and talk to some industry experts to find on where the market is at.

  • What are the new and emerging trends?
  • Has there been a COVID effect?
  • What do the experts have to say?
  • Are there any new opportunities and ideas?

Selling the dream uncovers brand marketing trends and explores the meaning and emotions behind the messages.

Get the review

What's inside?

  • 8 x Top-Ranking Marketing Themes of 2023 exposed!
    Explore the emotional and psychological strategies employed in student recruitment campaigns


  • Interviews with industry experts


  • Ideas on new marketing themes to explore


  • [BONUS] Brand discovery checklist

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